Hillside Harmonies are proud to announce we have recently upgraded our cleaning station to include the latest record cleaning machine (RCM) from UK manufacturers MOTH – the industry favourite for professional record cleaning. Properly cleaning records is especially important when it comes to classical music. The music tends to be uncompressed, or far less compressed, than other genres of music. This means there is a greater dynamic range to the music and the quiet sections are far more susceptible to a poor noise to sound ratio. In short, surface noise or dirt on the needle are far more noticeable on a recording of Erik Satie’s Gymnopédies than on a Rolling Stones Album.
The RCM from Moth features a powerful gravity aided vacuum and label sized platter. This allows us to present our second hand records at their optimum grading with no risk of cross-contamination from other records.
It should come as no surprise that we now offer a record cleaning service to all our UK customers with contactless pick-up and drop-off available locally. Please contact us for details using the contact form.
We would like to thank the customers that have been supporting us so far, it’s thanks to you that we are able to keep investing in, expanding and improving the services that we offer.