A Walk in the Woods with Three British Composers

Lyrita Holst Moeran Bax

This week we head to much more familiar pastures, in the shape of a record I’ve seen often over many years, and have finally decided to listen to properly! This classic Lyrita LP recorded in 1968 contains works by three early 20th century composers, often thought of as being quintessentially ‘English’, despite their more international connections. The names Arnold Bax and E.J. Moeran certainly bring to my mind a certain type of gentle English folksiness, while I’ve heard some of Holst’s music described as being like a procession through a landscape. Continue reading A Walk in the Woods with Three British Composers

Vivid Images: Anatoly Lyadov – Symphonic Works

Symphonic Works by Anatoly Lyadov Melodiya 1001873 Open

While browsing through the Melodiya section of our CD collection I found Anatoly Lyadov’s Symphonic Works. The beautifully styled booklet case and cover art on this album caught my eye, the name Lyadov only vaguely ringing in the corner of my memory. I decided to refrain from searching for him on the internet and just listen.

Continue reading Vivid Images: Anatoly Lyadov – Symphonic Works