Vivid Images: Anatoly Lyadov – Symphonic Works

Symphonic Works by Anatoly Lyadov Melodiya 1001873 Open

While browsing through the Melodiya section of our CD collection I found Anatoly Lyadov’s Symphonic Works. The beautifully styled booklet case and cover art on this album caught my eye, the name Lyadov only vaguely ringing in the corner of my memory. I decided to refrain from searching for him on the internet and just listen.

Continue reading Vivid Images: Anatoly Lyadov – Symphonic Works

Truth in Music: Galina Ustvolskaya – Piano Sonatas

We’ve recently acquired a truly fantastic collection of CDs here are at Hillside Harmonies. There is nothing mundane; very little ordinary Bach, Mozart, or Beethoven, for example; and plenty of composers that we’ve rarely (or never) encountered, which is quite something considering the amount of music that we’ve collectively heard.

Galina Ustvolskaya's Piano Sonatas on Col Legno CD from 2012
Galina Ustvolskaya’s Piano Sonatas on Col Legno CD from 2012

We like to learn as we listen, so first on the listening pile was a CD of piano sonatas by the Soviet composer Galina Ustvolskaya. Continue reading Truth in Music: Galina Ustvolskaya – Piano Sonatas